Order item

An order item resource is an entity containing all order information needed about an order item.


M = Mandatory, O = Optional, R = Read-Only

Parameter M O R Description Possible values
discountRate Discount rate of the article. Decimal number (0.00-1.00)
creditedAmount (✓) Credited amount. Can only be set after an order has been shipped. Decimal number (2 decimals)
ean European Article Number. String
(8-18 digits)
imageUri A URI to an image of the article URI
itemId  (✓) Unique number used to identify the item. Will be assigned by Payson during the creation of an order. Mandatory when updating an order. UUID
name Name of the article. String
(max length 200)
quantity Quantity of the article. Discrete number
reference Article reference, usually the article number. String
(max length 100)
taxRate Tax rate of the article. Decimal number (0.00-1.00)
totalPriceExcludingTax Total price of the article (excluding tax) Decimal number (2 decimals)
totalPriceIncludingTax Total price of the article (including tax) Decimal number (2 decimals)
totalTaxAmount Total tax of the article. Decimal number (2 decimals)
type Type of article. “Fee”, “Physical” (default), “Service”
unitPrice Unit price of the article (including tax). Decimal number (2 decimals)
uri URI to a page with information about the item. URI