P = Set by Payson, M = Set by merchant, N = Notification sent
created | ✓ | First status set after the checkout has been created. | ||
formsFilled | ✓ | The customer has filled out the customer form. | ||
readyToPay | ✓ | Set when the order is ready to be paid. | ||
readyToShip | ✓ | Order is ready to ship. | ✓ | |
shipped | ✓ | Set by the merchant to signal that the order has been delivered. | ✓ | |
paidToAccount | ✓ | Set after the order has been shipped and Payson has transfered the money to the merchant. | ✓ | |
canceled | ✓ | Either the merchant or the customer has cancelled the order. [1] | ✓ | |
expired | ✓ | Will be set after a checkout has expired. [2] | ✓ | |
denied | ✓ | Payson will set the status to denied if the purchase is denied by any reason. | ✓ |
[1] | The customer is able to cancel the order before its status is set to ReadyToShip. | |
The merchant is able to cancel the order before its status is set to Shipped. | ||
[2] | A checkout with a status prior to ReadyToShip will expire when expirationTime is reached. | |
A checkout with the status ReadyToShip will expire after 59 days. |