Initializes a payment request
API endpoint:
Required | Parameter | Data type | Description |
Required | returnUrl | string (2048) | URL to which the customer’s browser is redirected after the payment is completed.Note: This includes both successful and unsuccessful payments. |
Required | cancelUrl | string (2048) | URL to which the customer is redirected if the payment is manually canceled by the user before it is completed. |
Recommended | ipnNotificationUrl | string (2048) | The URL for receiving an Instant Payment Notification about this payment.Note: This parameter has been made optional due to backward compatability. Read more about the use of it here ยป |
Required | memo | string (128) | Description of items the customer is purchasing. |
Required | senderEmail | string (128) | Email address of the person sending money. This is the Payson account where the settled amount is transferred from. |
Required | senderFirstName | string (128) | First name of the buyer as entered during checkout. |
Required | senderLastName | string (128) | Last name of the buyer as entered during checkout. |
Optional | localeCode | LocaleCode | Locale of pages displayed by Payson during payment. Default: SE |
Optional | currencyCode | CurrencyCode | The currency used for the payment. Default: SEK |
Optional | fundingList.fundingConstraint (0..N).constraint | FundingConstraint | Specifies a list of allowed funding options for the payment. If this field is omitted, the payment can be funded by any funding type that is supported for the merchant (excluding invoice). |
Optional | feesPayer | FeesPayer | The payer of the Payson fees. Default: PRIMARYRECEIVER |
Optional | invoiceFee | decimal | An invoice fee that will be added as an order item.
Note: This amount should be included in amount specified for the primary receiver |
Optional | custom | string (256) | A free-form field for your own use. This will be returned in requests to the PaymentDetails API endpoint. |
Optional | trackingId | string (128) | Your own tracking id. This will be returned in requests to the PaymentDetails API endpoint. |
Optional | guaranteeOffered | GuaranteeOffered | Whether Payson Guarantee is offered or not. Default: OPTIONAL |
Optional | showReceiptPage | bool | Whether to show the receipt page in Paysons checkout. Default: true |
Receiver DetailsThe list of receivers. If you have more than one receiver you must specify exactly one as primary. |
Required | receiverList.receiver (0..N).email | string (128) | Email address of the receiver. |
Required | receiverList.receiver (0..N).amount | decimal | The amount (including VAT) to transfer to this recipient.Note: If you have more than one receiver, the primary receiver’s amount must still be the full amount of the payment. |
Optional | receiverList.receiver (0..N).primary | bool | Whether this receiver is the primary receiver. This only applies if there is more than one receiver. |
Order Item Details |
Note: Order Items are required for Invoice, and optional for all other payments types. For each orderItem, you must specify all or none of the parameters sku, quantity, unitPrice & taxPercentage. |
Required | orderItemList.orderItem (0..N).description | string (128) | Description of this item. |
Optional | orderItemList.orderItem (0..N).sku | string (128) | SKU of this item. |
Optional | orderItemList.orderItem (0..N).quantity | decimal | Quantity of this item. |
Optional | orderItemList.orderItem (0..N).unitPrice | decimal | The unit price of this item not including VAT. Can also be a negative amount for a discount. |
Optional | orderItemList.orderItem (0..N).taxPercentage | decimal | Tax percentage for this item. Note: Must be a decimal value and not an actual percentage. E.g. for a 25% tax percentage use 0.25. |
Parameter | Data type | Description |
responseEnvelope.ack | AckCode | Acknowledge code indicating the overall success of the request. |
responseEnvelope.timestamp | DateTime | Timestamp that identifies when the response was sent. |
TOKEN | Guid | A token by which you identify to Payson that you are processing this payment. |